A Stitch in Time Saves Nine: Communication Strategies for Surgeons

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Now more than ever health care professionals must communicate with patients in a manner that is effective, efficient and easy to understand. Although good communication has always been essential to the relationship between the patient and the surgeon, the practice of virtual medicine (which has spread more rapidly than the infection that fueled its necessity) has highlighted the importance of patient-surgeon interaction. If you have ever felt that you could have done a better job communicating with your patients or if you have some great techniques, ideas or insights, join us for an informative and entertaining discussion about how we communicate with our patients, both in person and now virtually.

Insights from this discussion:

  • The three E’s of communication: Effective, Efficient, and Easy to understand.
  • Patients do not retain much of what you say.
  • What you say is often different than what the patient hears.
  • What information that we provide to patients value
  • How do your colleagues provide information to their patients
  • If you spend the time to provide all the information early, it will save you more time down the road


Paul Zalzal, MD MASc
Associate Clinical Professor, Surgery
Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University
Orthopaedic Surgeon
Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital


Tom Zochowski, MD, FRCSC
Orthopaedic Surgeon Oakville
Trafalgar Memorial Hospital

Recording of Video/Audio Presentation

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Date And Time

2020-06-24 @ 07:30 PM

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